What an amazing event for an awesome cause! Tabitha and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we met and talked to some really great customers and vendors.
The focus of the event was to help raise money for a family with a little girl battling stage 4 cancer ( #PrayForHunterRose ). Now, I don't want to get all into the tragedy of children and families dealing with cancer, but I really do want to highlight what a little dynamo this girl is! Hunter Rose was at the event and she was happy and outgoing and charged! What a personality!! No matter what the outcome of her personal battle, she is kicking cancer's ASS because she is clearly not letting this disease hold her down.
Even though this event is over, Hunter Rose's battle is not. Please send prayers and positive energy and good thoughts for Hunter Rose. If you are blessed to meet her and know her, you must be truly enriched. Being in the same space as her for a couple of hours was inspiring.
If you want to know more about MOPS, please check them out on Facebook at @MOPSNEWLIFE
